Politics and Prison Ink in Arizona: A Map for Navigation in a World of Post-structural Violence, by Enrique Alan Olivares-Pelayo was published in the Autumn 2023 edition of Journal of the Southwest. In this episode, the author of the piece discusses his work on embodied carceral geographies, how the punishment of the prison system manifests in and on the bodies it ensnares. And that’s a lot of people. One in five prisoners in the world is incarcerated in the United States. Tens of thousands of those people are in Arizona. The state spends over a billion dollar of our general budget on the correctional system; it´s the third highest cost, eight percent. Enrique was confined in that system for almost five years. In his work, he situates prison, the constellation of institutions that create the penal complexes at every level of government, including those which retain people on behalf of national immigration and customs enforcement, as a landscape of structural violence. His piece on the Journal looks at the tattoos that many acquire during their time locked up as visible representations of their experiences.
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Hosted, edited and produced by Patricia Schwartz; post production by Carlos Quintero.
Music Credits:
Nostalgia – Composed and performed by David Garrido. Used with permission.
Sol de Invierno II – Composed and performed by David Garrido Guil. Used with permission.
Find more of his work at davidgarridoguil.com
Notes and Resources
• Related links:
• Olivares-Pelayo, Enrique Alan. 2023. “Politics and Prison Ink in Arizona: A Map for Navigation in a World of Post-structural Violence.” Journal of the Southwest 65 (3): 302–313 – Download PDF HERE
• Stefano Bloch, Enrique Alan Olivares‐Pelayo, 2021. “Carceral geographies from inside prison gates: the micro‐politics of everyday racialisation.” Antipode 53 (5) 1319-1338 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/anti.12727
• Arizona State Profile, Prison Policy Initiative. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/AZ.html
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